This translation includes summaries, notes on which practices may be more or less useful or even harmful, and comparisons to the Gheranda Samhita. Mohan, presents critical analysis unavailable in any other translation to date. Drawing upon extensive notes of private studies with Krishnamacharya, his long time student, A. Krishnamacharya, who had perhaps the most influence in physical yoga in the modern era. This translation offers unique perspectives and insight from Sri T. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika, authored in the 15th century is one of the most well-known texts on physical yoga. This book is a worthwhile read and companion to any serious yoga aspirant, especially those interested in knowing what one of the most influential yogis of the modern times had to say on the esoteric practices of hatha yoga: on pranayama.

A Glossary has been prepared for this book for this third edition, the hopes that this will be used as a reference manual for serious Yoga students on all levels. Please therefore, follow these instructions along with the guidance of your guru. Swami Vishnu-Devananda has repeatedly stressed that these practices are not for beginners, and that to violate this caution is to put the psyche at risk. Many of the instructions given here have been purposely veiled by the original writers, others need elaboration, and many require the guidance of a teacher for correction. It is suggested that it also be used in conjunction with Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga by Swami Vishnu-Devananda, the Sivananda Companion to Yoga (known as the Book of Yoga in Britain), and Yoga Mind and Body. This book is intended as an aid for those who wish to learn the advance practices of Hatha (Kundalini) Yoga from a qualified teacher.

This is one of the earliest treatises on Hatha Yoga all the modern books are based on it. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is an ancient text used by Yogis to create the power.